Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lakehouse Buttery Flaky Pie Crust

It's late autumn, and soon the days will become cold, windy, rainy, just begging for a warm kitchen filled with the smells of baking fruit pastry. Here are links to a recipe for buttery, flaky crust. Fill with fruit filling.

According to Elise, on Simply Recipes,

"One of the secrets to a flaky pie crust is to work with very cold butter. Cut the butter into cubes and freeze, at least 15 minutes, best over an hour or even overnight."

Carol, on, gives a simple recipe for rhubarb pie, with about 4 cups of diced rhubarb, 1 cup of sugar, and 6 tablespoons of flour.

Here are the resources and links to the recipes:

Simply Recipes. Perfect Pie Crust. Posted by Elise. June 01, 2005.

All Recipes. Fresh Rhubarb Pie. Posted by Carol.

Make Your Own Potpourri

With the autumn weather bringing cooler nights, especially in the Pacific Northwest, this is a nice time to collect and dry herbs and flowers for potpourri. Here's a reciepe:

How to Make Your Own Potpourri