Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Legend of Mabon, The Second Harvest, Sunday, September 22, 2013

Autumn on the Hudson
by Jasper Francis Crowley 1860

Here at the Merry Rose Home, Garden, and Farm, we are observing the legendary holiday of Mabon, the Autumn Equinox. Today shares lightness and darkness equally. This also falls on a Sunday, a nice day to take a rest after hard work.

The Autumn Equinox is a reminder that now the days will be getting shorter, the evenings longer. While the lessening of light can lead some folks to be a bit sad, longing for the brightness and warmth of summer days, there are ways to illuminate the cool days and nights ahead.

Fruits and vegetables in summer colors make wonderful snacks, meals, and decorations. Orange pumpkins; red and yellow apples; green and yellow squash and snap beans; cranberries, pomegranates, flowers in yellow, orange, red, burgandy.

Kids and adults can enjoy herbal teas and apple cider. Adults may sample the hard cider.

This is a great time for baking: breads, pies, cakes, muffins.

In the outdoors, gather nature that reminds you of summer: leaves, pine cones, feathers, stones. These make great centerpieces or decorations for the front and back porches and windows.

Candles bring warmth and color, safely burning in wide candlesticks or in fireproof containers with a little sand or dirt in the bottom to keep the container from becoming too hot.

As always, safety is first, fun is second, work is third. Together, we can enjoy these Autumn Days.