Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas Gifts Countdown: 2019-1214 Moonsong Daily Magick

Winter Solstice Wallpaper (58+ images) Retrieved on Saturday, December 14, 2019
Here at the Merry Rose Home, Garden, and Farm, we have some favorite gifts for the 2019 Christmas season. Of course, the Winter Solstice itself is cause for celebration. For those who enjoy Solstice-type gifts, Moonsong's Daily Magick is a nice present, at only $6 per month. Whether the gift is a month, a few months, or a year, the gift-giver will provide the gift-receiver with a daily morning email that contains the following: A message for the day, a quote, an affirmation, a card of the day, spelling for the day, and daily thoughts. There is also wonderful artwork.

This newsletter is nice for empaths. There is information on herbs, stones, guides, and crafts.
Mrs. Dashwood has enjoyed receiving this daily e-newsletter for many years. It's a nice way to begin the day, and a reminder that we all have the talent to enjoy our lives.

You can also visit her blog:

And here's her invitation for the White Hat Society, with her thoughts on magick.